
10 home remedies for swollen feet and ankles.


Many people suffer with Edema which is Extra Fluid in the body causing swollen Feet, Legs or Hands this is caused by many different issues such as a Vitamin B1 deficiency a Fatty Liver Medications or Pregnancy however the main underlying cause is usually having too much Insulin in the body from eating too many Carbohydrates. In today's article we will highlight 10 natural Remedies for Swollen Feet and ankles and also how to fix the underlying Problem.

1. Dandelion Leaves You can purchase powdered Dandelion Leaves or use them fresh in healthy smoothies to reduce swelling, in the legs and feet. Dandelion Greens are a powerful Diuretic which means that they help to flush excess fluid out of the body.

2. Nutritional Yeast Nutritional yeast is a fantastic source of vitamin b1 which is a deficiency, leading to swollen feet we recommend adding this to your Soups stir fries or Yogurt daily, especially if you suffer with Diabetes or high blood sugars.

3. Garlic Fresh Garlic is one of the best diuretics that you can eat helping to reduce, water retention and swelling through out the body this is also one of Nature's most powerful healers for fighting off any underlying Infections and Drug Resistant Bacteria 

4. Kale Shake Most people consume lots of salt in their diets but do not get enough Potassium, you need at least 4 700 milligrams of Potassium per day to help balance out the negative effects of salt. Making a Blended Kale Smoothie each morning is a wonderful way to raise your, potassium levels we also recommend beet tops Pistachios, Avocados and Salmon.

5. Black Tea Drinking black tea can also help the body to dump extra water, and reduce swelling in the lower extremities it helps the body to store more Potassium and reduce excess salt which may be causing the swelling. 

6. Parsley Add a bunch of fresh parsley to your daily Smoothie to quickly reduce swelling in the body this helps to Detoxify the Liver, reduce Insulin resistance, and raise Potassium levels to get rid of the underlying cause of swollen feet.

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7. Foot Soak Place your swollen feet and Ankles in a bucket of warm water with some Apple Cider Vinegar and Epsom Salt. This will help to stimulate Blood flow and ease the painful swelling. This helps to ease Symptoms however does not cure the underlying cause.

8. Coriander Seed Tea Coriander Seeds are also very anti-inflammatory and help to ease swelling boil two cups of Water, with two teaspoons of coriander Seeds, Simmer and reduce the mixture by half and then drink this twice per day this is an effective ancient remedy used in india. 

9. Coconut Oil Gently massage the swollen area with a little Coconut Oil on a daily basis massaging the area helps to encourage Blood flow and Lymphatic drainage this works well when performed alongside some of the remedies listed above. 

10. Stinging Nettle Root Last but by no means least stinging nettle root is a powerful natural diuretic which helps to reduce all kinds of swelling men also use this to reduce the size of a swollen prostate and it also helps to balance hormones. Other Tips and Tricks as you can see edema and swelling can be treated naturally by using some simple remedies the best way to truly treat this is by identifying the underlying cause and fixing the problem the most common cause of swelling is Pre-diabetes, Diabetes or Liver or Kidney Dysfunction. 

If you have a Liver problem you may find that your right ankle and foot is more swollen and you may also have belly fat if you have an underlying heart problem. However sometimes the left foot or ankle will be more swollen. 

Some prescription medications are also the cause of swelling so if this happened to you after starting a medication be sure to consult your doctor or a healthcare professional. Don't forget to cut back on Sugary foods Alcohol and Vegetable oils as these are the leading cause of swelling in the body and Insulin resistance which causes your cells to hold more water as a final note be sure to bolster your diet with Healthy Salads, Smoothies and Shakes packed full of Potassium and Vitamin B1 you can learn more about these Nutrients in our other articles. 

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