A list of 12 healthy foods to eat during Pregnancy
A list of 12 healthy foods to eat during Pregnancy.
Pregnant women need additional, Nutrients such as Vitamins and Minerals to help grow a healthy baby during the later stages of pregnancy the body needs an extra 300 to 500 calories per day a diet lacking in key nutrients can affect the baby's development and cause health problems for the mother.
In today's article we will explore the best 12 foods to eat during pregnancy to support both mother and child's health.
1. Dairy Products Pregnant Women should consume more Greek Yogurt, Cheddar Cheese or whole Milk to meet their Protein and Calcium needs these are also rich in probiotics which can reduce the risk of birth complications.
2. Leafy Greens We recommend eating lots of Broccoli, Kale Cabbage, Brussels, Sprouts and Peas these are packed full of nutrients, for growing a healthy baby Leafy Greens are also an amazing source of folate, which helps to form the neural tube in babies in the womb.
3. Oily Fish It is very important to consume oily fish two to three times per week when Pregnant ,Salmon Sardines and Mackerel all contain essential Omega-3 Fatty acids, Epa and Dha which are important for the brain and eye development of growing babies Oily Fish are also rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin D.
4. Eggs Eggs contain all the building blocks of life and are highly nutritious eating these is a great way to increase your overall Nutrient intake they also contain choline an essential nutrient for healthy brain development.
5. Meat High Quality Grass-fed meats like Chicken pork and Beef contain amino acids that Pregnant women need they are also rich in choline and B Vitamins which are essential for a healthy Nervous system in both mother and baby.
6. Berries Eating a handful of mixed berries each day supplies lots of Vitamin C, fiber and plant compounds to aid Pregnancy. The fiber and water in Berries can reduce Constipation and make Pregnancy more comfortable.
7. Avocados Avocados contain high amounts of Monounsaturated fatty Acids Folate and Potassium all of which improve fetal health they also help to relieve leg cramps in Pregnant women and reduce swollen feet and aching Joints.
8. Seafood You need to be getting more iodine into your diet when pregnant to prevent your child from having learning disorders like ADHD Seaweed kombu kelp Cod and shrimp are all fantastic sources of Iodine to support your baby's development.
9. Nuts And Seeds Eating healthy nuts and seeds supplies important minerals for your baby we recommend Almonds, brazil nuts and sunflower seeds. The Manganese in these helps to prevent flat feet and jaw issues in babies whilst the Magnesium and selenium help to prevent high blood pressure in Mothers.
10. Cod Liver Oil One teaspoon of Virgin Cod Liver Oil is enough to meet your daily requirements for omega-3 and Vitamin A. This is particularly important for women who do not consume seafood as Omega-3s are used as the raw material for brain structure in growing babies.
11. Mineral Water During Pregnancy your Blood Volume increases to supply nutrients to the baby in the womb Drinking Mineral Water, each day helps to produce this extra blood adequate hydration also prevents Urinary tract infections in mothers.
12. Oatmeal To keep your energy levels high oatmeal is a fantastic breakfast for Pregnant women try adding some Pumpkin Seeds Berries and healthy spices like Cinnamon and Nutmeg. To boost nutrition as you can see nutrition is very important when it comes to growing a healthy baby and protecting your own body.
During Pregnancy eating a varied diet with lots of whole foods raw and lightly steamed vegetables and Organic Animal products will support a Healthy baby in our other articles, we share many other Pregnancy tips such as how to make your baby smarter in the womb and how to reduce joint pain be sure to select our healthy pregnancy label at the end to learn more thank you very much for reading.
For more healthy articles i wish you great health wealth and happiness.