
Top eight foods that helps you to naturally Whiten the Teeth.

Today I'm going to provide you a list of those foods that helps you to naturally whiten your teeth the modern lifestyle includes eating lots of sugary foods high fructose fruits and alcohol that causes discoloration of the teeth sugar in particular causes a buildup of bad bacteria in the mouth which stains the teeth and causes tooth decay and gum disease the good news is that there are some foods which help to naturally whiten the teeth and a good replacements for junk foods.


Let's take a brief look on the best eight foods that helps you to naturally whiten the teeth.

1. Strawberries these delicious red berries contain an enzyme called malic acid this acts as a natural astringent to remove discoloration and whiten the teeth we recommend mashing a few strawberries with a little baking soda to make a paste apply this to the teeth for 5 minutes and then brush as normal.

2. Cheese high quality grass-fed cheese and other dairy such as greek yogurt contain lots of calcium this is bioavailable and easily absorbed to make your teeth and bone stronger calcium helps to fortify the enamel on your teeth the lactic acid in dairy also helps to whiten them.


3. Celery this vegetable is packed full of fiber and is also nutrient dense chewing on this helps to clean the teeth and remove stains and yellowing it also contains natural chemicals which keep the gum tissues healthy.

4. Pineapple contains an ingredient called bromelain which is often used in natural toothpastes to remove surface stains and plaque chew on a small piece of pineapple after a meal to help remove stains but always brush before bed to remove any natural sugars from this fruit.

5. Cauliflower consuming raw cauliflower in a salad acts as a natural abrasive to keep the teeth clean chewing on raw vegetables also stimulates the production of saliva which helps to wash away any plaque.

6. Xylitol this is a natural replacement for granulated sugar and is amazing for oral health xylitol kills off plaque causing bacteria in the mouth and also reduces the risk of gum disease mouth ulcers and swelling be aware that this can be toxic to pets but is one of the best human sugar substitutes.

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7. Tea tree oil is a well-known natural remedy for skin problems however it can also be used to clean the teeth naturally apply a few drops to your toothbrush and clean the teeth this removes stains whitens the teeth and kills harmful bacteria in the mouth.

8. Coconut oil has been used for thousands of years and is well known as one of the healthiest cooking ingredients this is antibacterial and helps to kill off harmful microbes in your mouth this is one of the reasons that many southeast asians, have beautiful white teeth as you can see there are many natural foods that you can consume to help whiten your teeth naturally sugar is the leading cause of teeth discoloration, because it affects the natural ph balance of the mouth removing sugar from the diet and using replacements such as xylitol help to keep the teeth white and also prevent cavities from forming, always remember to brush the teeth at least twice per day in particular before you go to bed if you leave food particles on the teeth while you sleep they will form into plaque and yellowing of the tooth enamel to learn more about nutrition and natural remedies please see our other article.

Thank you very much for reading healthy articles i wish you great health wealth and happiness.